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Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Many if not all of you know that we are expecting baby number 2 on March 4. We are very excited! Here is how we announced it to the facebook world.
 People always ask me if this pregnancy is the same or different as last time and that for me is a hard question to answer because my situation is completely different. With Linc I was working full time up until the day before I had him and with this pregnancy I am a stay at home mom with an 18 month old toddler. I have "felt" more sick this time around but puked more with Linc. With Linc the most I threw up in a day was 7 and so far this pregnancy is 6 though I usually average around 3.  I think I feel more sick because I am at home and have more time to concentrate on it rather when I was working full time I was often distracted and didn't have time to have a pity party on myself. It has however been slightly different because I have lost weight instead of gained and never lost any weight with Linc. I'm pretty sure I have lost 7 lbs so far but we will see for sure when I have my next appointment tomorrow. And for those of you who might be worried about me losing weight I promise it is ok. I still eat - - I just throw up and I also eat smaller portions because that is literally all I can stand. Food isn't my friend very often but when I do feel like eating I always do. Plus I am more overweight to begin and I wasn't with Linc so I'm happy about the weight loss because I need a little more wiggle room :)

The next question people ask is if I want a boy or a girl. HONESTLY, I want a boy but of course would be happy with either. I'm a little terrified of having a girl but that is probably because I used to a boy! Plus this baby will be born in the same season as Linc so clothes and everything would just be easier. But that is the lazy side in me talking - :)

Things I have enjoyed so far: Strong nails (I have such weak nails usually that I LOVE this). Being pregnant with my sister, it will be fun to have our babies so close together. And that is all - (that is a short list sadly but I'm sure it will get longer when I start to feel better or start to feel those baby kicks).

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